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What is DIsplay Ads Marketing?

Identifying your target audience is half the target achieved. An advertisement is considered impactful only when it has reached its target audience. Like any other investment, it takes time to obtain the results. One of the apt choices would be display advertising. Display advertising helps us to keep the business in the minds of the audience.

  • Validate emails and remove bounces.
  • Send attention grabbing news
  • Design posters for Newsletters
  • Remove Spams and directly land inbox
What is display advertising all about?

As the name says, advertising on websites or apps where your intended audience spends time is termed display advertising, or in short display ads. On what basis is the targeting done? There are two main types of targeting, namely, demographic targeted and behavior targeted. Demographic targeting is performed on the basis of traits like race, gender, age, economic status, the status of employment, education and other similar factors. Behavior targeting is performed on the basis of traits like opinions, interests, lifestyle, attitude and other similar factors. Factors like browsing history, cookies, purchase history, and other traits.

How can display ads help your business?

The most direct is the content and context based targeting. Insurance ads can target places where there will be content related to insurance (obvious choice), automobile, health, and such related areas.

With socio-demographic targeting, your ads can target certain age groups, nationalities, gender, and more. If you are running school supplies ads for senior citizens, then there is not much you can expect returns. If you run it for teens and parents, then you might have a better chance of reaping the rewards from your ad campaigns.

Consumer behaviors provide valuable information on their tastes and interests. One can learn their area of preference. If you have an online store, then you can target those users who are interested in your business. Instead of having them come to you, you go to them.

Approach Pinnacle

With the right approach, plan of action, expertise, tools and techniques, one can achieve splendid results. Pinnacle freely boasts path-breaking records, authentic expertise in ad campaigns. Well, display ads are no exception. Our comprehensive plans can help make a difference in your business. We cover complete branding and marketing packages and more. Contact us for a quote and hear from us!